Published: 20200627
Journal: PanSig Journal 2019, 56-62
Organization: The Japan Association for Language Teaching
Author(s): Brian Cullen, Vick Ssali, Cameron Smith
English Abstract
This paper discusses the effectiveness of poster presentations as a teaching methodology in Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) courses. In the course being described, students are tasked to do research, design and make poster presentations on a topic from each of the themes covered. The authors propose that these presentations provide an opportunity to meet Coyle’s four Cs criteria: content, communication, cognition, and culture, and share their own experience of how they have successfully integrated poster presentations as a core activity in classroom learning. Links between CLIL and higher motivational levels are also explored. Finally, the results of an extensive student questionnaire are presented. The questionnaire was designed to elicit the learner’s perspective on their experiences researching, preparing and presenting the posters. The results showed a general satisfaction among the students with the process as a means to communicate new information to one’s audience. Nevertheless, some of the student responses reveal they miss some opportunities to go beyond content and to improve more on their L2 learning and communication through the processes of research, practice, and presentation.
Japanese Abstract
この論文は、CLIL(内容言語統合型学習)の教授法におけるポスター発表の有用性を論じたものである。このポスター発表の活動の中には、Coyle の四つの基準(科目やトピック、言語スキル、様々な思考力、異文化理解)の要素を取り入れることができる。そして教室でCLIL の核心的な活動としてのこのポスター発表を他者と協働することを通し、その経験を仲間と共有できる機会がもたらされると論じている。このCLIL とモチベーションの関係性に関しては、今現在調査中であるが、生徒への広範なアンケート調査結果から、このポスター発表の有用性に関する新たな見方、考えも提言している。