Technical English in Japanese Universities: ESP or Diversity?

Published: 19970400

Journal:Aichi University of Education Bulletin51, (), 105-111

Organization: Aichi University of Education


English Abstract: When ESP (English for Specific Purposes) began to change teaching styles in the 1960s, it was assumed that English courses at universities would become more and more subject-specific in order to take account of the needs of individual groups of students.
Despite this world-wide trend, teaching of technical English and other varieties of specific English has never really been fully developed in Japanese universities.
In this paper, we would like to investigate to what degree specificity can be increased, with particular reference to technical English provision at one Japanese university and to a questionnaire given to teachers involved with these classes. We show that greater specificity can only be successfully be achieved if the diverse needs and aims of both students and teachers are carefully considered, assisted by the development of dedicated course book material.

Japanese Abstract: When ESP (English for Specific Purposes) began to change teaching styles in the 1960s, it was assumed that English courses at universities would become more and more subject-specific in order to take account of the needs of individual groups of students.
Despite this world-wide trend, teaching of technical English and other varieties of specific English has never really been fully developed in Japanese universities.
In this paper, we would like to investigate to what degree specificity can be increased, with particular reference to technical English provision at one Japanese university and to a questionnaire given to teachers involved with these classes. We show that greater specificity can only be successfully be achieved if the diverse needs and aims of both students and teachers are carefully considered, assisted by the development of dedicated course book material.

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