Facilitating Learning Shifts Through Milton Model Language Patterns

Published: 20140501

Journal: The 2013 Pan-SIG Conference Proceedings, 22-29

Organization: Japan Association of Language Teachers

Author(s): Brian Cullen, Brad Deacon, Sarah Mulvey, Ben Backwell

English Abstract: This paper taps into the fields of hypnotherapy and neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), and more specifically the language patterns of the Milton Model (e.g. Bandler & Grinder, 1975a, 1975b, 1976; Grinder, DeLozier & Bandler, 1977), as tools for stimulating EFL learners’ reading and writing speeds. The paper begins and ends with a story that frames the importance of effective communication in the classroom. Next it offers an overview of various Milton Model language patterns, including short explanations of each pattern and contextualized examples as they were used in each study within this paper. Then a brief outline of the two studies, the first on timed reading and the second on timed writing, are included together with their respective results. Finally, various conclusions are provided that support the usage of language patterns as tools to increase students’ reading and writing speeds. Ultimately, we will show that language patterns do have a positive impact on student’s ability to learn more effectively.

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