Developing Cross-Cultural Understanding through Dialogue

Conference Proceedings of JALT National Conference, p. 299-306. The Japan Association for Language Teaching.

Author(s): Brian Cullen, Kazuyoshi Sato

Abstract: As we enter the 21st century, the significance of understanding cultural diversity increases. Cross-cultural understanding develops in situations which require negotiation of meaning and identity in the context of another culture. In our presentation, we showed how students can achieve negotiation and develop cross-cultural understanding through dialogue in culture-based courses. We also demonstrated effective techniques for facilitating dialogue in class and illustrated this dialogue with students’ voices from action logs. We conclude that developing cross-cultural understanding entails redefining both the native and target cultures in each learner’s mind through interactions in a collaborative classroom environment.

Japanese Abstract: 21世紀を迎え、異文化理解の重要性はますます高まっている。異文化理解の能力は、新たな文化に触れ、自分自身の価値観を問い直すことによって発達する。本稿では、特に、我々の学生が授業の中でどのように異文化理解を深めていくのかに焦点をあてる。さらに、具体的な例として、授業で使った教室活動及び学生のコメントを紹介する。結論として、異文化理解の発達には、協力的な学習環境の中で、学生がお互いに学び合い、自国と他国の文化を見つめ直すことが不可欠であると主張する.

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